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Where It All Began...

Back in 2014, I had just graduated from Yale. One day, my best friend Emily called me…
"Alice… please help…” she cried.
“I tried feeding Noah his broccoli, and he cussed me out. He threw the broccoli at my face, and it hit me in the eye. Then, he kicked and screamed for a full hour…”
“I’m so tired, I don’t know what to do… I don’t feel like I’m cut out to be a parent.”
I could feel Emily’s desperation… I felt sad because she’s usually cheerful and happy…
However, Noah was getting out of control. Whenever she tried to take him anywhere, he would go crazy. Other parents would give her sly comments, and tell her that he needed “discipline.”
I couldn’t stand seeing her so broken.
So that night, I drove over to Emily’s house.
And here’s the conversation that changed both of our lives forever:

“I know Noah’s nutrition is the problem.

But all he wants to eat are chicken nuggets and fast food! That stuff is TERRIBLE for him!”

I thought about it for a second, and replied:
“Have you tried giving him multivitamins?”
Emily shot up from the couch, and walked over to the kitchen.
“Oh god, let me tell you about these.” She said…
Then she picked up an orange bottle from the counter, and tossed it to me.
“I’ve seen these kids multivitamins advertised on TV my entire life!” She continued...
“But they’re TERRIBLE!...”
I was about to speak, and then she said...
“Ever since he started taking them, he’s been acting even worse. Last week I tried to take him out to dinner with my parents. And he was kicking and screaming the entire time…”

“I Swear Everyone in the Restaurant was Looking at us… I Just Kept My Head Down out of Embarrassment.”

I flipped the bottle over…
And my eyes popped out of my head as I saw the sugar content inside of each gummy. These dinosaur gummies had 8 grams of sugar in a single serving!
Noah was basically popping jolly ranchers into his mouths. Then I checked the label…
There, I saw a laundry list of complicated sounding chemicals...
Cholecalciferol USP
Retinyl palmitate.
Ascorbic acid

Then Why Are They Loaded With Sugar And Unnatural Chemicals?

I wanted to find the truth so that I could help Emily, and hopefully other parents.
But I knew that I couldn’t do everything on my own. I needed help.
So, the next morning, I woke up, with an idea.
What if I used my ivy league connections, and went to the world’s top pediatricians and kids nutritionists to get help?
(Instead of spending years fumbling around on my own)
So, That’s When I Built A List Of 198 Harvard & Yale
Nutritionists, Pediatricians, And Professors…
I explained my story to them, how I wanted to help parents, and what I found about the vitamin industry.
And surprisingly, 2 of the top researchers at Harvard and Yale agreed to help me. They really understood my cause because they have families of their own…
And they were a HUGE help in creating this breakthrough in kids nutrition. At the start, I just wanted to find the truth about the vitamin industry. But together, they helped to create something that parents LOVE!
So, let me introduce you to these top Ivy league researchers:
Dr. Ed Giovannucci, MD, MPH, ScD
Harvard University
In 1984, Dr. Giovannucci graduated with his medical degree from the University of Pittsburgh.
Then, he spent the next 8 years at Harvard, working for his Doctor of Science Degree. And since then, he climbed to the top of his field.
Now, Dr. Giovannucci studies nutrition and lifestyle. He’s a professor of Nutrition and Epidemiology at the Harvard School of Medicine
Dr. Lei Chen, MD, MHS
Yale University
Dr. Chen is a renowned pediatrician who works at Yale University.
In 1997, he graduated with his Medical Degree from New York University…
Now, he’s spent his time at the Yale School of Medicine, as well as the Yale-New Haven Children’s Hospital. He also graduated with a Masters of Health Science from the Yale School of Medicine in 2010
Dr. Ed was a BIG help while dissecting the vitamin industry. And then coming up with the formulation for our first “Real Food” Yummy Gummy. For example, he helped us pinpoint the most important nutrients for children. As well as the correct portions of the 12 fruits and vegetables that you’ll see on this page.
Dr. Lei has a deep understanding of children’s nutritional needs that you won’t find anywhere else. He helped us understand the science of what your kids TRULY need. As well as how to use the power of fruits and vegetables…
After adding both to the team as advisors, we were ready to start the next part of our project.
Which was...
Finding out why parents would feed their kids these vitamins. But still complain about their kids being out of control. While still being miles away from hitting their nutritional needs…
That would give us the material needed to actually help these parents. And that's what led us to First Day!