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The Holy Grail of Child Nutrition

"What makes a great vitamin?"
Our team of Harvard and Yale scientists worked around the clock to find the holy grail of child nutrition. And after years of testing, there was one formula that stood head and shoulders above the rest…

A great kids vitamin should be based on real science, use the best ingredients, and taste great. Simple, right? But behind these simple concepts are years of scientific research, innovation, and design.

We opted to pick the best from each. The end result? A gummy vitamin that’s actually designed for your child's health and one that they definitely won't let you forget about in the morning.
There’s less than 2G Of sugar in each gummy
Other kids' vitamins often use TWICE the amount of sugar. Meaning that they’re really sugar bombs disguised as vitamins…
And let me ask you this. If a company’s making a vitamin that’s supposed to be healthy for kids, does it make sense for them to load it with a TON of sugar? It’s just ridiculous…
For example, take a look at this chart:
As you can see, First Day multivitamins are the clear winner here.
The only question is… how could these real food vitamins taste so great? Without having a ton of sugar?
Of course, the answer is apples! And strawberries, bananas, and carrots. The sweet delicious foods that give First Day Vitamins their delicious flavor...
So, if you’re looking for a multivitamin that’s not loaded with processed sugar. And you realize that giving them “real food vitamins” could be the key to hitting their nutritional needs…
"But How Much Should We Charge?"
We’ve put YEARS of work into making this possible. Just the research and development alone cost a fortune. And you’ve already seen our extensive manufacturing process… That’s why we could easily get away with charging $100 for a bottle of First Day Kids Multivitamins.
Of course, you’re not going to pay that.
We thought long and hard about charging $50 per bottle of First Day Vitamins. And considering what you’re getting in each bottle, that’s a steal, right?
However, we understand that times are tough for a lot of parents right now. We want to make sure these real food vitamins are accessible for EVERYONE. That's why we decided to sell them for only $35 a bottle (that's a little over a dollar a day!!)
On top of that, we wanted to provide family friendly pricing - so the more you buy, the more you save!
Picture Your Kid Getting Excited To Eat A Multivitamin…
That’s Made Of Fruits And Vegetables!
Just take 7 seconds out of their breakfast to hand their kid their 2 gummies…