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3 Reasons Most Vitamins Suck

We Researched Over 35,000 Scientific Papers To Find The Truth About Multivitamins…
I was heavily involved in this research. I remember staying up well past midnight at my desk reading through these papers…
For the first few weeks, I struggled to make sense of all the information. I’m sure you’ve read academic papers before. Sometimes it feels like you’re trying to decode a foreign language…
However, one day, our advisors forwarded me a few articles they said I had to read…
So, I spent a couple of hours reviewing the papers. And I felt a jolt of excitement as things finally clicked…
Because we found 3 common reasons why parents weren’t seeing the miracle benefits promised by the vitamin industry. And they explain why the vitamins sitting in your cabinet aren’t what they seem…
It felt like we found the holy grail, the keys to the kingdom that would allow us to create something truly amazing.
So, here’s what we found:
Reason # 1

Other vitamins are LOADED with sugar that makes kids bounce off the walls

Have you ever seen the thick laye rof processed sugar on most kids gummies?
Parents should be OUTRAGED!
Because sugar screws with your child’s brain.
In fact, research from the University of George studied this problem… and they found that eating high amounts of sugar messes with the brain’s ability to work normally..
More specifically…
Sugar travels up to the hippocampus, the part of the brain responsible for memory formation and learning…
There, the sugars cause inflammation, which usually makes it harder for the hippocampus to form memories. Sugar can also lead to other problems like mood instability, irritation, and tantrums…
That’s why many sugar–eating kids have trouble learning, remembering, or focusing.
In fact, these researchers found that sugar’s damage can last until ADULTHOOD. Meaning that what you feed them now, is VERY important.
Plus, here’s something even more shocking about sugar…
A recent National Institute of Health study showed that...
Children who have long–term high blood sugar levels usually have slower brain growth.
For something that’s supposed to be “healthy” for kids… vitamins shouldn’t have NEARLY as much sugar (or processed sweeteners) as they do.
And the only way to stop the effects from getting worse, is to get rid of any extra processed sugars…
In fact, once I told my friend Emily about this, she threw her dinosaur multivitamins away.
Reason # 2

"My kids are SO picky!"

This is something that most parents deal with on a daily basis. And that problem is how their kids are PICKY eaters…
All they want to eat are sugary junk foods. You try to feed them a piece of broccoli, and they throw a royal tantrum...
Well, that creates a BIG problem for creating a healthy multivitamin.
Because if you load up a vitamin with healthy ingredients (and nothing else) it usually tastes like dirt…
And that’s why vitamin manufacturers usually coat them with a thick layer of sugar. On one hand, the kid will eat the multivitamin…
But on the other hand, sugar defeats the purpose of having a “healthy vitamin.”
In fact, you might have already tried different multivitamins that don’t have as much sugar…
However, your kid just spits them right out because they taste terrible!
So, you’re left with two options.
1. Sugary flintstone vitamins that can slow their development.
2. Or healthier vitamins that your kid won’t even touch…
As you can see, those options are terrible. And we thought the same thing…
That’s why we wanted to create a third option. Something that tastes GREAT, is healthy, and doesn’t have a processed sugar bomb hidden inside.
So, keep reading to see how it happened…

But first...
If you thought either of these problems were bad. Wait until you hear this. Because we found one problem that was actually worse…
Reason # 3
Most are "LABORATORY" vitamins that the body can't even use
You would think that the vitamins in those dinosaur gummies come from their natural sources, right?
You see...
Most multivitamins use “synthetic ingredients.” Meaning that they’re actually created in a laboratory.
What these scientists do is they take the real source of the vitamin. This real source is usually a fruit or vegetable…
Then, in their lab, they isolate the vitamin from everything else in the food…
And they copy the chemical structure of that vitamin, so that they can create it from scratch. And there you have your processed “Laboratory Vitamin.”

Why’s that such a problem?
You see, the natural vitamin (inside of the real food) comes with a blend of enzymes, minerals, and co–factors that help the human body digest it…
For example, when your kid eats a carrot, it loads their body with Vitamin A. And that vitamin A also comes with carotenoids, ascorbic acid, and phenolics.
This cocktail of “vitamin digesters…” helps your kid’s body use the Vitamin A3. However, when they take the laboratory version of Vitamin A…
It doesn’t come with that cocktail of vitamin digesters…
And without these natural “vitamin digesters''... their body doesn’t know what to do with the vitamin. So it sits unused inside of their body, or they simply pee the laboratory vitamins out.
Just Think About It...
We Evolved Over Millions Of Years to Digest Fruits And Vegetables…
We’re Not Built To Digest Factory-Made Chemicals.
Now, you might be wondering how common these laboratory vitamins are…
Well, according to an article by Dr. Shiel on Medicinenet…
“With the exception of vitamin B12 supplements, ALL vitamin supplements are chemically synthesized. This means that they are produced by combining separate chemical elements in a factory.” - Dr. Shiel
That means almost every kids multivitamin you find at the store are made of these “laboratory vitamins.”

In fact, the ones sitting in your kitchen right now, are most likely grown in a lab. The only thing I’m asking you to do, is to read the label, and if you don’t see that the vitamins are made out of real fruits and vegetables. Consider replacing those laboratory vitamins with something else…
So What Can We Do About These Laboratory Vitamins?
Simple. get them Real Food vitamins.